Monday, January 9, 2012

Sidetracked Mom's Blog: Rafflecopter Launch Party! Win an Apple iPad 2 & a...

Sidetracked Mom's Blog: Rafflecopter Launch Party! Win an Apple iPad 2 & a...:

By now you've probably all used the Rafflecopter a time or two and would recognize that smiling helicopter anywhere! Well, the generous people at Rafflecopter need your help - they want to know what YOU think would be a good name for that little chopper and if they like the name you suggest... BAM! You win an Amazon Kindle Fire! Just like that! And, what cooler bragging rights than to claim YOU named him!?

Even if you're not very creative with the name game (I'm raising my hand here, too!) you can still participate in the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win!

Please enter Anne at Good Steward Savers Blog (that's me!) as the person who referred you in your first entry. You'll have my undying gratitude forever and ever! :)

Then, go tell your friends! If they win, you can win, too!

Good luck!
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